Match result

Season 11, Round 1
Team badge
Maledor Manticores

gate: 17 000
1 TD score 3
cas score
Elven Union logo
no custom badge
Mithlond Marvels


profile Asdrual
TD Scorers
profile Calenestel
profile Calenestel
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off

profile Venien
Badly Hurt'ers

profile Gloreir dead
profile Asdrual

Hirsunor dead
profile Menreith retired
profile Menreith retired
Completions by
profile Calenestel
profile Mallenêl
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

MVP awards to
profile Beldin dead
Sustained Injuries
Beléwien dead
Melórë dead
Result added June 13th, 2013

Match notes
This is more like it! In the previous Marvel-vs-Manticore slugfest (Maledor Manticores - Mithlond Marvels (Squig Bowl 10, SquigBowl)) the Marvels unexpectedly massacred the Manticores but couldn't pick up the ball and therefore lost the game on touchdowns.

This time both teams played their proper roles: the Marvels were massacred, but the Manticores kept fumbling the ball allowing the Marvels to win the game! Calenestel in particular seemed to be everywhere and do everything (partly because Veanne spent the entire first half in the knock-out pit, but still).

Rumours claim that both coaches spent the night after the game celebrating the sweet revenge after the previous encounter...

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