The Best Color is

Race:  Orc
Coach:  Muffloo
These orkz are constantly arguing over what the best color is. They have forsaken the use of real names and call themselves by the best color they know! And after each season played the color with most earned SPP that is still alive will prevail!

Orc logo
no custom team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
Oct. 17th, 2014 - old news
Elves taken care of!

We sid beat them iinto one glorious color. And color of the match will have to be Yellow! For kiilling a lineelf in the second half of the game. Whoever scored the winning goal is less important, we beat them down into the ground and off the pitch. They were too afraid to return from the beer-box after we sent them there! Or maybe they have some tasty beer they won't share with us?

Yellow is now elected teamcaptain untill next game!
- Muffloo
Oct. 6th, 2014 - old news
First challange has been issued!
The pesky elves of Wildwood Sharpshooters did some crazy matching of their colors in the outfits. This won't stand! We must beat them into that glorious color of:


*The team ends up in a brawl with themselves*

Hopefully there will be someone left standing when the elves are on the other side of the line of scrimmage!
- Muffloo
Tournaments played:
StockbowlOpen 1, Reserves Rumble, Open Season 3
Trophies won:

Retired 2020-09-01 /Anders

Current Champion

Latest matches:
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