Match result

Season 5, Round 2
Team badge
Ferocious Furries

gate: 26 000
1 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
Blonde Bombers


TD Scorers
profile Lil' Liz
profile Lil' Liz
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off

Badly Hurt'ers
profile Dinah Mightier

Istvan dead

Fjodor dead
mercenary / fans / random event
Completions by
profile Rosalie Ann
profile Marjorie Ann
profile Marjorie Ann
profile Rosalie Ann
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

Fjodor dead
MVP awards to
profile Marjorie Ann
Sustained Injuries
Miss Next Game
profile Topsy Turvy dead
Result added June 9th, 2011

Match notes
Cliff's notes version: A good game with great sportmanship in nice Blood Bowl weather with a surprise ending.

Longer version: Twenty-six thousand cheering fans arrived in the nice weather to see the game between the Furries and the Bombers. With their home pitch advantage the Furries also gained a slight advantage in cheering power and would end up with two-thirds of the gates.

The Furries also got to recieve the ball, but were also faced with a surprise blitz spearheaded by the Bombers hired star Zarah the Slayer - a blitz that did put some bombers at least halfway towards the ball where it had been kicked deep into the Furry back left corner.

The Blitz wasn't very decisive, though, and soon enough things were put back into order by a Furry assault that would soon have both Bomber journeymen out of the game, one of them leaving the Blood Bowl world (and indeed this world) forever.

Advancing crosswise over the field, the Furries made good headway despite getting their ballcarriers repeatedly blitzed to the ground (and they kept giving as good as they got) but despite their thinning numbers the Bombers managed to keep presenting a reasonably credible threat (with among other thing a blitz by catcher Windy Lou taking down Josef the Snow Troll with only one assist.)

Not wanting to risk stalling any longer, what with energy (and rerolls) running low, the Furries scored in their turn 7, leaving only two turns for the Bombers to equalize. With their cheering fans giving them new energy (and a reroll) the Furries kicked deep to their right, but Dinah Mightier and Zarah quickly busted a path through the Furry defenses for catchers and wardancers to run through in amounts large enough to be nigh unstoppable, and one risky rush and pass later the game went into the second half with a one equal score.

As the second half started a brisk breeze picked up and juggled the ball that was being kicked deep to the left and then followed a second Bomber assault much like the last one. The Bombers did make an attempt to stall slightly, but dared not do so very long since the Furries were managing to apply pressure both upon the ballcarrier in the Bomber endzone and upon the recievers. Yet, this spread the norsemen just a bit too thin, and with another mad dash and a true Long Bomb! toss the Bombers were in the lead with a score of two to one.

The second Bomber kick-off was just as showy as the first, or even more so. Kicking close to the right, the Bombers managed a second surprise for the weary Furries and rushed Vicious Virgin to try to catch the ball after Dinah Mightier had run 15 yards (3 squares) to blitz down a Furry that was in the way.

This cunning trick only ended up infuriating the Furries, and since Vicious failed to hold on to the ball when it landed the action quickly turned into a second push towards the Bomber endzone. Still, with mad dodges and repeated blitzes the Bombers managed to stall the Furries until the last few minutes, when Vicious Virgin redeemed herself by managing to pick up the ball that had once more come loose but the Furries had failed to secure it as Nina stumbled all over it.

If Vicious Virgin had managed to succeed with her pass to Lil' Liz then Lil' Liz would have managed a Hat Trick, but alas this was not to be. Yet even an inaccurate pass holds merit since the Furries simply could not reach the ball in time to equalize, and couldn't even console themselves with having killed Topsy Turvy since Topsy Turvy mostly killed herself when trying to emulate Vicious Virgin and get away from a very threatening crowdsurf. (One could also call it an assisted suicide, since the apotechary cheerfully made Topsy Turvy even deader.)

So despite a draw looking very likely, the Bombers managed to end up with a 2-1 victory, but a 2-0 loss in kills (and a 70-30 split of the winnings, with the lions part going to the Furries.)

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